Mud, Flood and Anarchy

I’m sat here in my trailor, the rain is pouring and the sound is peaceful. I feel for those caught up in the floods that are happening across the UK, I also want to comment on the media coverage. It seems the media want to bring to light the issue of flood control. The issue…

Love and hate

Make no mistake. From the global oppression, we shall break. United as one.

Time is of the essence

Time is but a measure of success. The success of a creator God, or an evolving scientific model. Time does not regress. Entropy is relevant to a successful motion of time but all things must pass. You have just been exposed to the works of a small group of living beings known as the Cabiri….

Funny things I read

Reading can be so much fun, but unfortunately not many of us have attention spans beyond 5 minutes.. It’s a damn shame because so much information can be shared when one gets the owld nugget into a book. They are a good source of verifiable information. Sometimes you can become an expert on a subject…


Instant gratification is here… That moment when you press the button and all is well with your world. Turn on those Christmas lights. Hit the power button on the TV remote; pull up your socks and let out a sigh. Ding dong, someone’s at the door. Whoever could it be at this unGodly hour. Oh…

Values and value

I often wonder about values of our society and it’s duty to uphold those values. Shared idea’s on what is good for the group and what is bad. We all know that certain traits are going to be bad news for society, for example heroin addicts. The effect on a local community when a toxic…

Will’s almost daily ramblings

What if a giant asteroid does hit a part of the earth? We hear about it all the time, or some of the time, but what if it really happened. Would we give a flying care in the world. It wouldn’t really matter cause we would be living it and have to deal with it….

How easily it comes

How easily life comes. Well it’s as easy as opening your eyes on the morning and pulling back the curtains. For some this is not easy. So life is hard for those. How hard life can be. Well it’s as hard as you make it. Its a process inside that makes it difficult besides the…

Great things about my hometown

Middlesbrough. 1.Every year the town put on a free meal for everyone to enjoy and share. Kinda like Jesus doing the bread and fish miracle on the hill. 2. Most if not all people who visit Middlesbrough leave feeling good to be leaving, it has a beautiful effect on people that way. 3. You can…