How easily it comes

How easily life comes.
Well it’s as easy as opening your eyes on the morning and pulling back the curtains.
For some this is not easy. So life is hard for those.
How hard life can be.
Well it’s as hard as you make it. Its a process inside that makes it difficult besides the superficial layer that involves drama and currency. On one hand life is hard because you can’t afford some object that you think makes life easier. If only you had that object life would be easier. if you only had the right level of talent life would be easier. I wish I was the fastest runner in the world and the best footballer because then all the things that make life hard wouldn’t apply to me.
Well that’s not true either. Life gets harder the more talent you have to cultivate. Exotic and rare gardens are certainly not the easiest to maintain. If they where we would all have them.

How easily life comes for those who find it hard?

World problems a side. Life is a series of choices, some informed choices, some conscious decisions, some are after thoughts. However you choose to spend your time on Gods green earth one thing is certain. You are going to die.
When you do, what world are you leaving behind? Is it a better place for you having spent time there or is your life akin to a field after a festival has been held there. Shit loads of rubbish to clean up. But one hell of a good party?

When your dead, does it really matter, just as the condition of the field doesn’t matter once your back home. I suppose in one way your providing work for the future. Someone has to come along and clean your mess. Thus providing employment for future generations.
Lots and lots of Howevers..

I write because I like to throw my thoughts down on a page and months later I read them back and often times think, shit did I write that.. Damn its good. Or other times I’m like Shit! did I write that. hahaha I am a fooking idiot.
Either way the result is the same. I get to reflect on my thoughts and yes, sometimes all I’m looking at is paragraphs of mind drivel.

My real passion though is music, and the way sounds can be everywhere at once and yet make no melodic connection then suddenly one horn in the sound of traffic can transform white noise into an orchestra. Music is magic with science to back it up.
Writing is an important part of music. there are those who can’t come up with anything verbally but put an instrument in their hands and they can recite the tales of the world and some even out of this world.
For me writing comes easily. I can freestyle stories on the spot about anything. I can rhyme words for fun, like a bun in the sun, come again son? Yes that’s right, my talent is vocabulary word play. You wouldn’t know it by me telling you but I believe in myself and ultimately that’s why it comes easily.
Life comes easily for those who believe in Life, that includes all Life.
If you only believe in one part of life; a job, a mortgage, a future. And you neglect the whole of life; Occupation, Environment, the present.

The way in which you spend all your time. For some people the word only means job, but an occupation should be time spent in value and for the good of yourself and the world as a whole.

I intend not just the Greenpeace meaning of the word but the meaning which covers your immediate environment. Your home, your friends, your workplace, the locality of your place in the world. Your garden within. The garden of the world.

The present.
That time of life you can always come back to. The present moment you are in. It can be all things at once. Every moment we become aware of the present can help us understand the direction we are making choices towards. Have goals of the future but never take your eyes out of the present. This is where dreams are made.
This moment right now.

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